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Karma Love

She’s Scandinavian descendant. She came to Canada and met her Vietnamese husband. They have a beautiful twin and they also work together for their own business. Lately they had a lot of fights and she felt overwhelmed to struggle between family and work. She’s puzzled by her mother-in-law, who doesn’t speak a word of English, told her through her husband that she must have been in debt to him in a past life. She liked to find out. 

Under the trance, she went through a past life where a woman had everything she needed and a loving husband, but spent her whole life feeling sorrow for no kids. Only at the last moment of her long life, she realized that she should have let go and embraced what she had instead of mourning for what she didn’t have. She understood her attitude made her husband suffer as well. Despite the content, it’s the same feeling she had in her current life. Gratitude and acceptance are the main lessons she learned from that life. It’s amazing that the soul seems like to try everything - This life she has a twin, both a boy and a girl. 

Next I purposely guided her to a life that she came across a path with her husband. She went back to a small European city in the 1950's. She said: ”I like this era!” She’s a middle-aged nurse working in a hospital. Ordinary family with a husband and two school-aged kids. Then she visualized a baby in a cot at the far side of her house. She paused for a while, like searching for something inside, felt perplexed: “It’s in my home, so that must be my baby…But how come I don’t feel the connection with the baby? “ Slowly the whole picture emerged - Her husband had an affair with another woman, and this baby was from the mistress. She was very angry inside but she held her feelings tightly since she was so afraid to lose him. The husband mistakenly took her silence as a permissive gesture and kept pushing the boundaries. He even brought the baby home and asked her to babysit. She said: “ I feel a cold connection with this baby.” 

Then I noticed her body started shivering. I asked:” How are you feeling now?” She’s moaning, ”Ah, all my fingertips hurt. I’m cold, I’m paralyzed, but I can still feel the pain…“ Her hands stretched out flat on each side of her body, shivering slightly with the whole body.

I prompted her: “Feel that hurt feeling, back to that moment when things happened that led up to your fingers hurt, let’s go there now!” 

She said immediately: “I think I strangled somebody…Why did I do that? ” She asked herself. 

“Who did you strangle? Let’s look into it like you are watching from higher up.”

Tears gushed out from her closed eyes: “ I strangled my husband, I did it with my bare hands… I lost it…I just held his neck and wouldn’t let go. I must be really strong. Ah, my hands hurt so much…” Her whole body was trembling, fingers stretched out widely. 

“Okay, it’s done. Let it go, let it go. How are you feeling now?”

She signed and collapsed back into the chair:” I feel released.” 

She was arrested and stayed in jail for the rest of her life. She died at old age, never saw her kids again. She never felt remorseful. I asked the soul if there’s a second chance, what would she do differently. She said she shouldn’t have held herself so long, she should have packed her stuff and left with the kids, so she wouldn’t lose it from the accumulated anger. The action was her own free will, and that’s where the Karma started. It’s the Karma who brought them together in this life. Love and hate all tangled together from one lifetime to another. 

As the past unfolded itself, she understood her relationship issue from a much deeper level, understood gratitude and acceptance is the key to resolve the issue and for the long run, as long as it takes, release the Karma.

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